洛斯威发6902挥发油Locks“VILFER 6902”is an evaporating fluid specially engineered for the punching, stamping and rolling of thin sheet metals. The selected solvents of VILFER 6902 will evaporate after machining and only leaving an extremely light protecting film on the metals parts, which need not to be cleaned at most of the subsequent handling. This product is especially suitable for aluminium, silicon steel and galvanized steel thin sheet working. Locks VILFER 6902 is wildly used in air-conditioning, electrical and computer industries.威发6902是一款特为簿片金属的冲剪、冲压及辊轧而研制的挥发性液体,精选的溶剂组合在加工后能挥发干净,只留下一层极簿的保护膜于工件,此保护膜在绝大多数的后程序,也不用清洗。威发6902适用于铝片、釸钢片及镀锌片等簿片金属,已广泛应用于空调、电器及计算机等工业。Benefits (效益):l Premium solvent base with gentle smell and no harmful to skin. 优质溶剂,气味柔和,不伤皮肤。l Shortest drying time. 挥发速度快。l Special additives provide superior lubricity and reduce tool wear. 含特殊添加剂,提供卓越润滑性,减低刀具磨损。l Eliminate the degreasing process and save the manufacturing cost directly. 免却除油工序,直接降低生产成本。
型号 | 6902 | 品牌 | 伊能 |
比重 | 0.75 | 闪点 | 65(℃) |
40℃运动粘度 | 1.0(cSt) | 粘度指数 | 100 |
倾点 | -10(℃) | 针入度 | 100(mm) |